Mastercard credit card

Mastercard Balance Transfer Credit Cards

How much are you paying in interest each month on your credit card balance?

Unless you have a zero percent credit card, you are being hit with an interest charge each and every month. It’s time to consider a Mastercard balance transfer. Transfer your high interest credit card debt to a card with a zero percent rate. While this only lasts a predetermined period of time, it can save you a lot of money and give you time to get back on your feet.

If carrying a balance with a high APR sounds wasteful, there are three simple steps to take:

1. Calculate how much credit card debt you have. Is it all on one card? Is it spread over several different credit cards? You need to know the total amount of debt before you can decide what to do next.

2. Compare balance transfer offers. No two balance transfer credit cards are the same, so compare several before making a final decision. Note: there are hundreds of balance transfer offers to consider, so be patient as you search for the right one.

3. Understand the terms and conditions. How long does the introductory rate last? What are the fees associated with the transfer? Is there any reason why the credit card company could cancel your rate? What is the rate once the introductory period expires? It is easy to answer all these questions by reviewing the terms and conditions.

Final tip: you can always contact a credit card company for your Mastercard online or via phone to discuss your situation and to learn more about a particular offer.

Mastercard Balance Transfer Credit Card Offers


As a consumer with credit card debt, you know that this can be a drag on your personal finances. Thanks to a Mastercard balance transfer credit card, you can leave your high interest rate in the past.

Having trouble finding a balance transfer card? We would love to show you more balance transfers, however banks control which cards are allowed on certain pages. We recommend that you view Mastercard credit cards at CreditWeb for more options.

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